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Pug Joke Book

Looking for the perfect pug gift for a Pug Mom, Pug Dad, or Pug lover?  Check out this hilarious illustrated collection of funny dog jokes, bad dad jokes and clever one-liners that you know you will be telling over and over again to your pug owner friends and family!

The Pug Joke Book contains many cute pug dog color drawings to complement over 80 new pug jokes, like: “What do pugs call empty jars of Cheez Whiz? Cheese WAS!” Your favorite little Pug puppy or Puggle can curl up with the family and laugh along with you, as you tell these classic dog jokes.  It’s a perfect pick-me-up for anybody that is a little down, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the other nonsense going on right now.

“I bought this for a student I was tutoring who loved pugs. He loved it and pretty much memorized the book. It is hilarious!” -  5 Star Reader Review