A pug farted on an elevator,
It was wrong on so many levels!
Q: Whats large grey and makes no difference to pugs?
A: Never mind, it's irrelliphant!
Did you hear the pug pizza joke?
Never mind, it's too cheesy!
A pug owner comes home from the international market and says "hey boy! you want a Brazilian treat?" The pug replies "Oh Gosh! Im so lucky! How many is a Brazilion?!?"
Q: Why do Pug Vampires believe everything you tell them?
A: Because their suckers!
Q: Why dont pugs write with dull pencils?
A: Because there's no point!
Q: What do pugs call empty jars of cheese whiz?
A: Cheese Was
Q: Who's bigger: Mr. Bigger the Pug, or Mr. Bigger's baby?
A: The baby, cause she's a little bigger!
I took my pug to the vet. She said "He's a little over weight"
I said I wanted a second opinion. She replied "He's also pretty cute"
Q: Whats a pugs favorite musical instrument?
A: The dinner bell!