Q: Why can’t you trust a taco?
A: In case it spills the beans.
Over 50 totally hilarious taco jokes!
So many amazing taco jokes and so little time! We love all things tacos, from taco tuesday to spicy jalapenios. So we collected all the best clean taco jokes and even made up a few that the whole family are gonna love!
“Waiter, this taco tastes funny!”
“Then why aren’t you laughing”
Q: What do you call a tortilla chip that works out?
A: A macho nacho.
Q: How do taco chefs live their lives?
A: By seasoning the moment!
Q: Why did the baker open a tortilla factory?
A: For the extra dough!
Did you hear they put a Taqueria on the moon?
Great food, but terrible atmosphere!
Who serves food at the star wars taqueria?
Darth Waiter
Did you have the Wookie steak taco?
I heard its a little Chewie!
Q: How do tacos say grace?
A: Lettuce pray.
Q: What do you call a dangerous burrito?
A: Gangster wrap.
Q: What is a spicy tacos favorite movie?
A: Catch me if you Cayenne!
Taco chefs earn a meager celery, cumin home beat they just want to read the pepper an spend a little thyme with the kids.
Q: Did you see this week’s forecast?
A: Its gonna be cold today, hot tamale.
A math teacher asked her sassy student “If you had 4 tacos and I asked for one, how many would you have left?”
The student replied “well if your asking, I’ll still have 4”
Q: What do you call a cynical cow?
A: Sour cream.
Q: What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?
A: Nacho cheese!
Q: What does a nosy pepper do?
A: Gets jalapeño business.
Q: Why did the taco blush?
A: Because it saw the salad dressing!
Q: What Tex-Mex food is good at math?
A: Inch-iladas.
Q: What do you get if you eat onions on your beans?
A: Tear gas.
Q: What does a depressed tortilla say?
A: I don’t wanna taco ’bout it.
Q: Have you heard the new quesadilla joke?
A: Never mind, its too cheesy!
Q: Have you heard the joke about the santa fe taco?
A: It was corny.
Q: Whats a dogs favorite taco?
A: Puppito!
(pepitos are green pumpkin seeds often used in mexican cooking)
Q: What did the soft shell taco say when they wanted to cuddle?
A: Fold me close!
Waiter Waiter! Will my taco be long?
No, its will be round!
Did you hear the slogan at that new Taqueria?
“7 days without tacos makes ONE weak!”
Did you eat my dalmatian taco?
Yeah, it really hit the spot!
What did the Taqueria chef say he did on vacation?
Taco bout what an awesome time he had!
Whats better than a talking mouth?
A taco in my mouth!
Where are the best tacos?
In the Gulp of Mexico!
Why did you climb onto the roof of the taqueria?
Because the manager said the fish taco was “on the house”
A taco and some nachos were hanging out.
The nacho was so sad.
The taco asked “Wanna taco bout it?”
But the nacho turned away saying
“Its nacho business!”
Clean Taco Jokes For Kids
“Waiter, this isn’t a taco. Its got a hamburger bun!”
“Im so sorry! No bun intended.”
You will never truly know heartbreak until you see a waiter coming with your tacos and then he sharply swerves to a different table!
“Waiter! Theres a dead fly in my taco!”
“Yeah, they can’t take the spicy jalapenios”
“Waiter! There is a fly in the salsa!”
“Don’t worry, the spider in your taco will get him”
“Waiter! Why is there a fly in my taco!”
“I’m so sorry! I must have missed it when I picked out the others”
“Waiter waiter! Theres a bee in my taco!”
“Yes sir, its the fly’s day off”
“Waiter, what is this fly doing in the salsa?”
“Looks like the backstroke”
A man went to a taco/thai fusion restaurant.
“Waiter! Do you have frog legs?”
“Of Course!”
“Then hop off and get me more tacos!”
“Waiter! What is the moldy stuff”
“Thats a bean taco.”
“Im sure it’s been a taco, but what is it now?!?”
“Waiter, I ordered guac an hour ago, how long will the chips be?”
“About 4 inches each I assume”
“Waiter! Whats wrong with the eggs in this breakfast taco?”
“I don’t know sir, I only laid the table”
A panda walks into a taqueria. He orders two tacos and gobbles them down. Then suddenly he draws a gun and fires two shots in the air. "Why?" asks the confused waitress, as the panda makes towards the exit. The panda produces a badly punctuated wildlife manual and tosses it over his shoulder. "I'm a panda," he says at the door. "Look it up." The waitress turns to the relevant entry and, sure enough, finds an explanation. "Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves."
Taco Panda Joke!
Two bankers went into a taqueria and ordered two drinks. Then they produced tacos from their briefcases and started to eat! The waiter became quite concerned and marched over and told them, "You can't eat your own tacos in here!" The bankers looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and then exchanged tacos.
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Waiter who?
Waiter minute while I bring you some tacos!
What did the taco say to the guacamole?
Avocado (I've got a) crush on you.
What do you call people avoiding healthy fats?
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Avocado who?
Avocado cold.
Have you heard about the garlic taco diet?
You don’t lose any weight, but from a distance your friends think you look thinner!
Why did the taco chef stop cooking?
He ran out of thyme.
When do you put french fries in tacos?
Why do taco fish swim in salt water?
Cause pepper water is too spicy!
Where did the taco go for drinks?
The Salad Bar!
A guy walks into the doctor's office. A quesadilla stuck in one of his ears, a burrito in the other ear, and a taco in one nostril. The man says, "Doc, this is terrible. What's wrong with me?" The doctor says, "Well, first of all, you need to eat more sensibly."
“The kids loved it. The taco character is super cute and funny!”