OMG! We are so excited this week to talk with one of our favorite instagram pugs @GilesThePug. We have been Giles fans for years now and can't get enough of his little bro Nigel! Love their antics, costumes and pool pawty's!
So take 5 and come chill out poolside with Giles and Nigel.
Where do you guys live?
We live in New Jersey .
How did you get the name Giles?
I'm named after the British character Giles from the Tv Show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, my parents are geeks!
What about your bro Nigel?
Since I have a British name, they wanted to name baby bro a very British name too, Nigel seemed good!
Do you have any nicknames?
My nickname is Gi Beans & Boo Bear , Nigel is Nigey & Monkey
How old are you guys?
I'm 3 and Nigel is 1
Giles, whats it like being an older brother?
It's great, I loved my brother the minute he came home , though he's quite pesty and always doing bitey face!
What do you love most about living in New Jers?
We have a great park, quite neighborhood , close to NY and super close to lotsa good Pet stores!
I see you got an awesome pool. Do you like swimming?
That's our Grandparents pool in the Hamptons, Long Island and we love to Swim!
You throw a lot of pug pool parties, whats your favorite part of a pug party?
The food!! Well ,we love to play with our friends too!
Whatβs Your Greatest Talent?
Swimming of course!
Giles, whats your favorite snack/treats?
I am partial to cheese though!
Do you sleep in or wake everybody up?
Up at 6 with Dad , then back to bed for a few more hrs!
Do you have a favorite toy?
We love those Benebones ! And I have a fave duck since I'm a baby, but don't tell the ladies!
Nigel never met a toy he didn't like!
Either of you have any bad habits?
Who Us?
Giles, who is your instagram crush and describe your dream date?
I'm single, I kinda like the bachelor life and attention from all the ladies! Nigel has a crush on Tilly Pugdashian, his first Girl since 3 mos!
Anything Else Youβd Like To Add?
We like to help out Pug Rescues by supporting @pugsquad ,who just had their first Pugcamp ! They raised lots of money for 5 rescues across country . Also we are helping run the auction this Oct at #PugsTakeDC2 , where we are raising $ for PRONE & OHIO pug rescue. This is the 5th Pugs Take , its a weekend in different cities to get together with other pug owners and raise money for Rescues!
Where can people find you online:
Instagram: @gilesthepug
Twitter: @gilesthepug